Be Here Now: Tips For Staying in the Present

You’re likely reading this because you’ve set the intention of being more present in your daily life by adopting the principles of mindfulness. However, between simultaneously juggling work, life and family, you’ve realized it’s easier said than done. We’ve all been there! 

If you do a quick Google search of the term, ‘How to be more mindful’, you’ll get inundated with information on learning to meditate by practicing daily, attending a silent retreat, or signing up for month-long mindfulness workshops. You may conclude that living in the moment is a larger, lengthier commitment than you were hoping for. But it doesn’t have to be. 

Here are some easy ways to become better at being more present and mindful in your daily life:

  1. Savor Your Food
    While eating is both necessary for survival and a sensory pleasure, when was the last time you really tasted your food? We’re so used to wolfing down meals at our desks or in front of the TV that we forget to savor each mouthful. So, the next time you sit down to eat your next meal or snack try and take a moment to pause and take three deep breaths. This will help calm your nervous system which, in turn, benefits your metabolism. Then, with each bite, chew slowly and savor the smells and textures in your mouth. You’ll be a mindful eater in no time.

  2. Put Your Phone Down
    As human beings, smartphones have become one of the biggest nemeses to our inner peace. So many of us are glued to social media or scrolling through our newsfeeds to help pass the time, not absorbing the beauty that surrounds us. We tend to grab our phones when performing even the most mundane tasks – like going to the bathroom or while standing in line at your favorite coffee shop. The key to being more mindful of your surroundings is to break the habit of carrying your phone with you wherever you go.

    Before bed and after you wake up, leave your phone alone. Enjoy a moment of peace while you sip your first cup of coffee. Commute to work via public transport? Why not read a book instead. Being connected to your present, instead of diving headfirst into a digital world, can help you retain mindfulness and boost your sense of wellbeing.

  3. Capitalize on Red Lights
    The best way to become more mindful is by finding meaning in the mundane. Sitting in traffic is probably the most common situation we find ourselves in where our minds tend to wander. But instead of getting caught up in a daydream,  or being swept up by the effects that come with driving like road rage or catching up on work calls, try to calm your mind instead. Experts suggest using red traffic lights to help you. Whenever you stop at an intersection, make a point of taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this until you feel reconnected to your surroundings and in the present moment.

  4. Do a Mental Body Scan
    Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by the busyness of the day, the fasted way to become centered to your surroundings is by checking in with your body. You can mentally give yourself a full-body scan by mindfully paying attention to the sensations your body is giving out. Focus on all parts of your body from your head through to your toes — what sensations do you notice? Do any feelings come up? By bringing awareness to your body you’re not only becoming more mindful but releasing tension, too.

  5. Tap Into Your Senses
    There’s no better mindfulness tool at your disposal than your senses for they truly remind us of our physical self. Whether it’s feeling the warm water rushing over your skin when you next wash the dishes, tuning in to the sounds of the moment – or literally stopping to smell the roses – by becoming aware of your sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, you can learn to be more present. Even if it’s just for a few moments a day. 

The Hydrean is a unique sensory device that’s been expertly designed to help you tap into your sense of touch for a more mindful moment. Discover how the Hydrean can help you remain centered in the present by heading to today.