Presence over Presents: Your Guide to Being More Mindful This Festive Season

The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, family – and spending a whole lot of time in the past or future. Whether it’s trying to predict how things will pan out over the holidays, wondering what gifts to buy, budgeting for that turkey feast, or reminiscing about that massive family feud at last year’s gathering — many of us are too busy thinking about the has been’s of the past and would be’s of the future to focus on the now.

However, the true value of the holidays is being in the present. By better understanding ourselves and seeing our loved ones for who they really are, whilst remembering the beauty of life, we can return to the present moment more fully.

Here are a few ways you can stay present this festive season, so you can set the stage for perfect memories to be made.

Focus on Quality Time

One of the best parts of the holidays is reuniting with loved ones. And, while the pandemic may have thrown a spanner in your plans, that’s not to say you can’t connect with them virtually. However, after spending some time conversing, some old emotions may boil to the surface.

By being mindful of the situation, and seeing each loved one for who they are without judgement, you can separate the challenges of the past and disengage yourself emotionally so you don’t become overwhelmed. Even if your family don’t have any toxic traits, ensure that you don’t ‘check out’ of spending quality time with them by mindlessly escaping to your Instagram or Facebook feed.

Instead, consciously choose to focus on the time spent with your loved ones while balancing realistic expectations. Engage in the conversations around you without distractions of multi-tasking, the hum of the TV in the background or your smartphone. Slow down, be interested and engaged, listen intently and learn to tolerate your differences.

Choose Not to Feel Guilty

Fatty, sweet, greasy food and alcoholic beverages are at the heart of a festive feast – and most of us tend to completely overindulge over the Christmas period. We’re here to tell you that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with letting loose over the festive season, in moderation. We’re meant to enjoy food and there is nothing wrong with indulgence. So, if you overeat and get a bit too merry over the silly season then try not to beat yourself up. Choose foods your body will enjoy the most and eat every morsel mindfully. That way you’ll be less prone to overeating whilst still being able to enjoy a variety of your favorite foods. The key is to eat slowly and honor your hunger by listening to fullness. There’s always time for leftovers.

Reserve Time for Yourself

While the holidays are a joyous time filled with activities and celebrations, they can take a lot out of one. Pay attention to your energy levels during the festive season and listen to how your by and mind are coping. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, remember to check in with yourself. Enjoy a warm cup of tea in a quiet space, meditate, do some yoga, or take time to read a book. If you feel like you’ve spread yourself too thin, invest in a little ‘me-time’. Taking care of yourself first and foremost means you can be the best version of yourself for others.

No matter how hectic the holidays get, you can always choose to be mindful and stay in the present moment. Taking care of yourself is essential in order to fully enjoy this magical time of year.


Give the gift that keeps giving this Christmas. Find out how the Hydrean can help you and your loved ones become mindful this festive season and remain in the present: